Wanting to find your direct wealth and indirect wealth in your bazi?
Today I will share with you some simple steps to use Qi Men Dun Jia Bazi Destiny chart to see your relationship and luck. It is not as difficult as many had imagine.
Before that, we need to understand the meaning of direct wealth and indirect wealth first, as you need to first know their classification than you will be able to find the right relationship and luck.
Direct Wealth Meaning
Direct wealth means that wealth accumulated or gain to a person via through normal business transactions, such as, doing a business, trading, buying and selling of goods, providing services, capital gain from selling properties and etc. Working for people is not classified as direct or indirect wealth in the art of Qi Men Dun Jia.
Indirect Wealth Meaning
Indirect wealth means the gaining of wealth to a person through non-traditional methods, such as business collaborations, Forex, Stock Market, Gambling, buying lottery, 4D, inherits a fortune, etc. It can also means illegal money earned from non-proper and legit methods. Referring clients to other supplier but not doing much can also be classified as indirect wealth.
How to calculate Direct Wealth using Qi Men Dun Jia Bazi Destiny Chart
In the world of Qi Men Dun Jia bazi destiny, you will need to understand how to locate YOURSELF in the Qi Men Bazi Chart, below is an example of a Qimen Bazi destiny chart. Download the Qimen Calculator over here. Install it and key in your date and time of birth.

Step 1 – Locate Your Own Symbol
Once you start the mQimen app, insert your date of birth and time. A Qimen chart will be plotted out automatically.
You will need to locate where you are in the many boxes in the chart.
First, you will need to refer to the DAY box and refer and see what is the symbol over there. In this example below it is “GUI”. Represented by what we called a DAY STEM. (There are a total of 10 different Stems)

Step 2 – Locate where your symbol is placed
Locate where you are for GUI (Everyone will have different symbol) and you are located in the 1 to 9 number boxes, I have circled them for you. If you notice, both are at the side of each box and one is locate the top and one is located at the bottom, one in the top.
So if you notice, you are located at Box 2 and box 4. Box 2 is the time you are born until you grow up, box 2 is when you are matured, so it is like different time period. Box 2 is earth element and box 4 is wood element (Based on the 5 elements).

Step 3 – Locate where is the direct wealth symbol
In Qi Men Dun Jia, the symbol to use is LIFE, in this chart it is located in box 6. I have circled the box LIFE in box 6 below.

Step 4 – Check if Direct wealth is in harmony
See if Box 6 and box 2 in harmony. Box 2 is YOU (earth element environment) and direct wealth is box 6 (Metal element environment). That means that YOU will have to chase after the direct wealth, directly means you will have to spend effort to generate the direct wealth. And the direct wealth will be very good due to the Wtiger (White tiger) beside the LIFE (Profit) symbol. So as a whole the direct wealth is consider very good, but YOU will need to make the extra effort to do so.

Step 5 – See Box 4 and box 6 whether it is in harmony.
Box 6 (metal element environment) is the direct wealth and You are in box 4 (Wood element environment) as you grow older. In the rule of 5 element, metal go against wood, cutting the wood into pieces, so in this situation, once you get older and would like to have direct wealth, it will be tough and likely will not happen, meaning that as you grow older, you will face failure in business.
Overall, we can see that the direct wealth happens on the first half of the life which will make alot of money and after which the direct wealth will likely not happen and will face with many obstacles, failure and problems.
So what can we do to salvage the situation, does the bazi chart has any indirect wealth? We can see the possibilities using the same bazi chart.
Let us explore further.
How to calculate Bazi for Indirect Wealth
Step 1 – Locate Your Own Symbol
You will need to locate where you are in the many boxes in the chart. We will use the same chart above for easy references. First, you will need to refer to the DAY box and refer and see what is the symbol over there. In this case, it is “GUI”.
Step 2 – Locate where your DAY symbol is placed
Locate where you are for GUI (Everyone will have different symbol) and you are located in the 1 to 9 number boxes, (This is the same process as finding direct wealth.) I have circled them for you. If you notice, both are at the side of each box and one is locate the top and one is located at the bottom, one in the top.

Step 3 – Find Indirect Wealth Symbols
For indirect wealth symbol in Qi Men Dun Jia, is will be “Injury”. Injury is a representation only, not really mean there will be injuries! Dude! I have also circle the injury symbols below. Which is in Box 1.

Step 4 – Finding Harmony with Indirect Wealth Symbols
The next step is to see the Box 2 and box 1 whether they are in harmony or not. Box 2 is earth element environment and box 1 is Water element environment, earth controls water, meaning that the indirectly profit will be little or do not exist when You are younger. Please check the bazi chart below on how the relationship is.

Step 5 – Check the other box is in harmony
We have check the indirectly wealth when you are young, it seems limited, but let us look at the indirect wealth when you get older, let use explore further. When you grow older, your box moves from box 2 to box 4. In qi men dun jia prospective, meaning the energy had shifted mostly to box 4. Do be mindful that the energy for box 2 still exists, just that it is lesser only.
So we take a look at the relationship below using the qimen bazi chart, box 4 is wood element environment and the indirect wealth is water element environment. In the 5 element rules, water produces wood, which is very good. Meaning that you do not really have to have alot of effort, the indirect profits will continues to enhance and produce you. This is consider a very good under Qi Men Dun Jia Bazi Reading.

Step 6 – Paying attention to details
Although it is a good thing that the indirect profit is producing YOU, you will also need to know a few other symbols that means other things. There is a Black Tortoise symbol, an impulse symbol and a “O” in box 1. Black tortoise means the people you mixed with will be fake, so be kinda pay special attention to it. With “impulse” as another symbol, you will need to be careful in making rush decision that will affect the indirect profits. A very important factor is the “O” at the top right hand corner of box 1. Meaning the energy of box 1 is reduced tremendously, which is not a very good sign.
As a whole, the “O” had reduce the indirect wealth for this bazi chart but the energy also changes tremendously depending on which year. Hence, we are able to plan ahead and know which year and month will have the best energy that will create the best indirect wealth. Obviously, this topic is another big topic to discuss and will leave it to another time.
Based on the bazi chart of this person, we can safely said that his direct wealth when young is good, he or she will be able to make money doing business on his own but things will start to change for the worst as he/she grows older, in turn, his indirect luck in stock market, gambling, forex and other non-traditional ventures will start to blossom but only selected years only, not every year his indirect wealth will be good.
Another thing to consider is to recommend him to covert most of his cash to assets such as property investment of term insurance as I can see that what he is earning will be gone in other places, so it will be good to place the cash to somewhere else.
Hope you will be able to gain some insights on this topic related to direct wealth and indirect wealth.
Dougles Chan is a Qi Men Dun Jia Teacher that teach Qimen Skill internationally. You can check his latest schedule on the course over here.