How to Read Qi Men Dun Jia Chart / QMDJ

How to Read a Qimen chart – Divination

If you are searching for how to read a Qimen chart in divination or in Destiny reading for Qi Men Dun Jia, this article will the complete and detailed steps for basic Qimen users and even advanced Qimen students.

Qimen Dunjia Divination is a process of using bagua (Qimen Chart) to predict and forecast the possible outcome of a question based on the asker.

In modern days, in order to learn how to read a Qimen chart, we use mobile apps, web app to tabulate and forecast for faster and accurate calculations.

There are various school of Qi Men Dun Jia Divinations and forecasting such as Chai Bu Method (Chai Bu Fa) and Zhi Ren Method (Zhi Ren Fa) which further breaks down to rotation and flying star methods. (This will be another topic to be discussed.)    

Steps to Read a Qimen Divination Chart

  1. Plot the chart on the exact time of asking. For example, if the asker is asking now, you will have to plot the chart NOW. (There is no need to change the time of GMT to others)
  2. Identify where is the answer stem (Hour Stem)
  3. Identify where is the asker or subject, usually is day stem. The asker or subject stem could be different in the 4 pillars.  Basing on the statues and age of the person, the asker and subject can be in HR stem, Month stem or even YEAR stem.
  4. Identify the useful Gods when applicable, depends on what type of questions, such as marriage, examinations, interviews, wealth, health, word of trust.
  5. Check the element in the related palaces and see the relationships, whether it is producing, countering or controlling
  6. Check the answer and the asker location, which palace they are in and what are the implications
  7. Check the 8 God, 8 Doors and 9 Stars and the inter-relationship of palace to palace element relationship and what palaces they are located respectively
  8. Check Fan-yin and Fu-yin chart, horse sign also.  
  9. Always read the chart based on a holistic views, different people who reads the chart may have different readings depending on how in-depth they know about Qi Men Dun Jia. 

Case Studies – Divination

Below are various case studies for Divination for Qi Men Dun Jia basing on the topic itself.

Case Studies – Destiny Reading

Case Study 1

In this video, I will teach you the very basic on how to read a Qi men chart for divination. Qi men dun jia (QMDJ) is a powerful tool and compass of life that will help to give you the direction in life. (What is Qimen).  

In this video below, I will share some insights on how to read a chart. 

Before that, we need to understand that Qi Men Dun Jia is not just a divination tool. We can also do other things, like reading a person’s destiny, selecting dates, or doing a Feng Shui audit. From here, I will actually list some of the advantages of this Qi Men Dun Jia. However, today, we are going to talk about divination and forecasting related to how to read the Qi Men chart. It is purely based on divination and forecasting.

This is a particular chart that we have over here:

In order to see a chart, we have to base it on a question. This chart is on October 5, 2021, at 17:53. What happens if somebody asks me whether the business venture can be profitable? I will base on the current time and the current date to plot the chart. This chart is able to give us a specific answer, so the answer is within the nine different boxes over here:

In order to find ways to answer, we need to identify which number is the box of the answer. We have to look at things in a more holistic manner because it is not so straightforward. In this case, to find the answer we will look at the Day stem. So, we take reference to this particular symbol, which is “Ding”:

We need to find where “Ding” is in the night boxes below. It is in box number 1, meaning that the answer is actually located in box number 1 which can tell us whether this business venture is going to be profitable:

In this box, we have “Partner”, “Obstruct”, and “Advisor”. Two of them are red and one is black. We ignore the “Wu” at the bottom, we just look at “Wu” at the top and the 3 symbols. For the genuinely basic, if red the symbol means that it is good, black color means that it is not so good. In this aspect we have two red symbols and one black symbol, meaning that as a general whole, it is not so bad but with some obstacles. What kind of obstacle, we will actually look further later on if there is a need.

The question is: Is the business venture profitable? So, business ventures are always talking about business money. With money, we always have to look at the respective symbol related to money. So, we look at this particular symbol which is called “Life”. In Qi Men Dun Jia, “Life” represents money in terms of profitable business.

Box number 7 is actually the whole relationship of the whole business venture in terms of profitability:

If you look at the element in box number 7, it is the Metal element. How do we know which element is better? If you see that in box number 7, the word below the number is “Dui” with gray color, which is Metal.

If you see the answer (in box number 1), it is actually under the environment of Water. How do I know it is Water? Because it is purple (“Kan” is purple). So, the answer and the profitability is actually in line that means the profit actually produces the answer.

But we also must need to see the business profitability: Is it in line with the person who is the asker? We need to find where the asker is. The asker is actually in the Day stem:

This particular symbol under the Day stem is “Bing”. “Bing” is actually in box number 6:

The element of box number 6 is actually Metal.The word “Qian” below the number is gray, which stands for Metal. The profitability of the business is Metal also. Metal and Metal are actually in harmony. That means they are the same element. It means good. In this aspect, the profitability is good provided you are honest and committed.

At the same time, it is in harmony with the person who is the asker (in box number 6). The answer is that it is not too bad, 60% to 70%, but with some obstacles in front.

Basically, from this chart, we are able to see that a business venture is likely going to be profitable. From there, we can recommend the person to go ahead with the business venture.

Case Study 2

In this video, I will teach you the very basic on how to read qimen chart. Qi men dun jia is a powerful tool and compass of life that will help to give you the direction in life.

When you want to do divination using Qi Men Dun Jia, you have to ask a question and, based on the app, do a chart creation. There are a lot of chat creations for Qi Men Dun Jia in the market. Most of them are pretty reliable, which means the information is 99% accurate in terms of the formation of the chart.

When you want to do divination in terms of this Qi Men Dun Jia, it will give us an indication of what the result is going to be and what the outcome is going to be. Sometimes, we can even see why it is going to be like that, and maybe we can even change the result due to a specific arrangement or even knowing the problems.
I will give very brief information about how to do divination because this is a very big and complex subject. I just teach based on very specific things.

This is a Qimen chart.

How do we read the Qimen chart?
When you plot the thing with the app, use the exact time that you asked for. For example, if you are asking now, on January 18, 2019, at 12:50 in the afternoon, this is the timing of that plot. Because that is the moment that you ask the question.

So, assume that this is the time: January 18, 2019, at 12:50 in the afternoon.

How do we see this chart? What is your question?
For example, should I be investing in this business?
So, you have to see two things. First of all, this is a day stem and an hour stem.

The answer, generally speaking, is in the hour stem. This hour stem is called “Ren”. Next, we have to locate the answer “Ren” in the 9 boxes. So, “Ren” is in boxes number 1 and number 3.

In Qi Men Dun Jia, we always look at the one at the very top, which means that we ignore box number 3. We just look at box number 1 over here.

There are 3 signs: “9Earth”, “Obstruct”, “Impulse”, which can tell us a story. We will have to create a story that will give us an answer. Of course, every one of them has certain positive or negative traits. There’s a dictionary on every sign. It is not simple.
All right, we have to look at box number 1 which reflects “Ren” (corresponding with the Hour stem).

But, if you talk about friends, brothers, sisters, fathers, then the answer will not be in the Hour stem. It will be in Month stem or Year stem, depending on how senior the position is.

For example, if you talk about your father or grandfather, then we have to look at the Year stem. So, Year stem is the answer for grandfather, father, or boss, which is over here:

So, there are a lot of different conditions depending on who the person is. It means that the senior will have a different box to choose from.

There is a formula. If we talk about brothers, sisters, elderly brothers and sisters, we will use Month stem.

If you talk about your grandfather, father, or even like your boss, then we have to use the Year stem to see the answer.

Hence, choosing the right answer in the right box is very important. Because if you use the wrong one, the answer will be very different.

Case Study 3 – (There are 4 examples in this video)

Today, we’re going to talk about this particular case study related to Squid Game. A best friend actually invited you to join a venture to open up a new company to sell Squid Game costumes. You know, Squid Game is actually a very popular Netflix series.

A lot of people all over the world actually watch Squid Game and suddenly this Squid Game is very popular. So, a lot of merchandise is being sold worldwide because of this Squid Game.

So, the situation is that your friend is actually asking you to venture into the selling of Squid Game costumes, which he believes is going to be very profitable after that particular burst.

In this case, we plotted this chart on November 1, 2021, at 11:09 pm.

This particular Qi Men Dun Jia chart tells us the potential of this venture and whether it is likely to be profitable. In this case, we will go step by step to see what we can see from this particular chart. This chart is very interesting because it’s a Fuyin chart. What does it really mean? It means that it is going to be motionless and slow. It is also going to be very painful. Most of the time, when we talk about the Fuyin chart, I will always highly recommend the person not to go ahead with any major decision. However, I’ll let you go through the process of understanding the chart. What I will do is go through the standard process of looking at this chart to see whether it is going to be profitable.

In this case, the first step we will need to see is the answer. Where is the answer? It is actually in the Hour Stem.

This is Jia-Zi, which equates automatically to Wu. Wu is in box 8, so box 8 is telling us the answer.

We have a Leader, Life, and Diplomat. There is also a Horse. Horse is telling us that this is something unstable or probably is going to be related to oversea. If this venture is going to be selling Squid Game costumes, it’s likely to be overseas. So in this case, the not being stable may not really apply. The symbols of Leader, Life, and Diplomat are all red, which is something really very interesting. That means that the answer is likely to be good in the micro level.

Next, we look at where you are. That means where is the asker? So, we will need to look at the Day Stem.

This is Jia-Yin, which equates to Gui. Gui is in box 3:

We have 9Heaven, Injury, and Impulse. In this case, we are talking about your current status and future status. Injury and 9Heaven are actually not very good. Injury is a very bad Door. It is the second worst Door. With the impulse, it is telling us not to be very impulsive in making this decision to go ahead with this particular venture. 9Heaven is actually a very tall building, very high in terms of looking at things. But if we want to combine Injury and 9Heaven, it can also mean that it’s going to be a very high injury. The injury may not be physical injury; it can be mental injury. It can be a financial injury too. This particular chart is actually hinting to you that you may likely lose money, and that this money is going to lose a lot of money.

In this case, we also look at the Bandit Star. Where is Bandit Star? In Chinese, it is Tian Peng. Bandit Star is something related to losing money. It belongs to box 1:

Box 1 is the Water element, and you are in box 3 which is the Wood element. Wood is actually produced by Water. The ability to lose money or lose a lot of money is actually coming to you directly. That means it’s producing you, which is not a very good thing to be associated with. So, in this case, I would be cautious about this particular venture. There’s potential to make money, but there’s also potential to lose money, which means that your profit will come in a very short term. When you start, you can actually have a big bang on it. But after a while, because the whole process of the Squid Game is actually very short in terms of enthusiasm, it will be like a spike. You know, the interest will go up, and then after that, it will go down all the way. In this case, it might not be a very interesting venture to go into. And this is a Fuyin chart. Generally, when we talk about a Fuyin chart, I will not recommend anybody go into this particular decision-making using Qi Men Dun Jia.

So, in this case, moving forward, I would highly recommend not going ahead with it. We would not be going into this particular venture for Squid Game costumes. So, this is a basic idea of how we actually look at a Qimen chart to decide whether to go ahead with this particular business venture. Thanks for reading.


Welcome to Qi Men Dun Jia. My name is Dougles Chan. Today, the case study that we are talking about is related to somebody who has the COVID-19 virus. Will he be able to survive this particular situation?

COVID-19 has happened since November of 2019. It originated from China, but, of course, the Chinese deny it. But where it comes from does not matter, the virus has actually spread around the world. Millions and millions of people have been affected, and there are a lot of people who have died. In this case study, we are talking about this person who is a friend. He has just gotten COVID-19. He texted you and asked you if he would survive this.

This chart was plotted on April 2, 2021, at 9:09 pm.

We are looking at this chart to see whether this person is able to survive this particular situation. First, we need to find where the answer is. The answer is actually in Hour Stem:

This symbol is called Ding. So, we need to take reference from Ding which is in box 4:

We have 9Heaven, Open and Fearless. There’s a Horse which tells us that something is not stable. Open Door is actually a very good Door to be associated with. And 9Heaven is also a very good symbol. But of course, Fearless means that there will be some blood related issue, which means that probably he may get injured or there’s internal bleeding inside. So, it needs to be concerned about. However, Open door is actually the best door to be associated with. The answer may not be so bad at all.

Let’s look at your friend. Where is your friend? He is actually referred to theDay Stem which is Geng:

So, we need to take reference from Geng which is in box 9:

We have Leader, Rest, and Problem. There is also an Emptiness. Emptiness actually tells us the energy of box 9 may not be so strong. It also tells us that the current status and the future status that he will actually have the potential of going to be resting. It’s recommended that there will be some rest involved. So, it is pretty positive. I would suspect that. Leader in Chinese is Zhi Fu. This is one of the best symbols to be associated with. So, there is something good/ And there is a Problem star, which means that there are actually a lot of issues to be addressed. So, we need to be very careful. And with the Emptiness, it actually makes the whole box 9 not very high in terms of energy.

And if we look at the Problem star, it is related to medical issues. So, medical issues or health issues are represented by Problem star. It is in box 9 also:

The Problem Star is associated with Rest and Leader. Technically, the health issue will not be too bad although COVID-19 is still a virus.

We also need to see the answer:

The answer is actually a good answer and Kun is green, which is the Wood element. The health issue is Fire. Wood actually produces Fire. Technically, the energy of box 9 will be increased, so it’s actually a good thing. When you are being produced by something good, this is something that’s going to be a positive answer.

In this case, for your friend, I am not very worried because most of the directions indicated are quite positive. The divination for Qi Men Dun Jia under this case for COVID-19 is going to be positive. That means he will be able to survive this particular situation. Moving forward, as we understand, this person has recovered from the COVID situation. At this point in time, he’s actually very healthy. Having said that, we are able to base this Qi Men Dun Jia on something in the near future. The accuracy can range from 70% to 90%. But of course, we must understand that this is just a guide. It’s a compass to tell us what direction it would likely be. But the accuracy also depends on the person who is reading the chart. That means the skill set or the level, you know, how experienced this person is and whether he knows the correct steps to read a chart. Thanks for reading.


Welcome to Qi Men Dun Jia. My name is Dougles Chan. Today, we are going to talk about this case study related to health divination for an ICU case. This particular question was asked to me around November 1, 2021.This friend’s grandmother is actually in the ICU and whether this person is able to overcome this particular incident.

In this case, we have to look at a couple of things. We need to look at the answer and where the grandmother is involved. So, in this case, we also have to see the Year Stem of the person that means the grandmother was born. From there, we are able to see where she is located within this chart, then we can see the relationship between the health issue and also herself.

First of all, we need to look at the answer. The answer will be actually in the Hour Stem.

The symbol over here is called Wu. So, we take a look at Wu which is in box 7:

Box 7 tells us the answer. The Death Door is actually the worst to be associated with. And the Problem Star doesn’t indicate very interesting. Generally, for Qi men Dun Jia, your divination of 9Heaven is quite a positive symbol to be associated with. But in this case of the health issue, 9Heaven is not a positive symbol to be associated with. There is a special case we need to understand in this aspect. This is part one.

The second part is we actually go and check the above year of this person. Interestingly, this person belongs to Xin.

Xin is in box 7 also.

Xin is together with box 7 (9Heaven, Death, and Problem Star). They are Metal, which is in harmony. Technically, I am not very optimistic about whether this person will be able to overcome the situation in the ICU. And one thing we need to understand is Death Door is the worst Door. At the same time, when we combine it with 9Heaven, it actually amplifies the situation of the Death Door. We can also see that this is Metal environment (box 7), and 9Heaven is also Metal. That means they are in harmony. It actually increases the energy of 9Heaven. It is actually amplified more. It is more than double or triple. The signal is going to tell us that this is not good in all cases. The answer is not good. Her health is not good. So, in this case, I will strongly suggest that the friend prepare for the worst because the grandmother likely will not overcome this round.

Moving forward, what happened? That friend actually messaged me that her grandmother had actually passed away in this situation. Of course, what we need to do is use Qi Men Dun Jia to check. We are able to forecast what’s likely going to happen. But of course, at the end of the day, sometimes we need to share information that’s a bit sensitive. We need to be a bit careful about what words to use and what words not to use. We cannot tell people that this person is going to die within the next day or next week. This is not the best way to tell the person, although it’s true. You know, we have to use a bit of good words, or maybe we use a word with better EQ to tell people that “yes, your grandmother will likely not be able to overcome this situation, or maybe just hope for the best and prepare for things. I hope for a miracle to happen.” We cannot just bluntly tell people that their grandmother is going to die. I think this is the worst Qimen teacher or Qimen master ever. So, understanding how to use Qi Men Dun Jia is one thing, but having the ability to tell people the correct information and use the right words that will not hurt the person or the family is important. Because sometimes this kind of thing is very sensitive, we have to be very careful in terms of the words and sentences that we use. Thanks for reading.


Hello, welcome to Qi Men Dun Jia. My name is Dougles Chan. I am a Qimen teacher internationally, and I am going to share with you one case study related to finding a job. In this case, Grace asked if it was a good time to find a new job now. It is on August 8, 2021. That means that at that time, Grace informed and asked whether this was a good time to look for a job. August 2021 is actually a COVID situation. It may not be very good timing, but let’s look at the chart and see what the chart is telling us.

This is anything related to the job. We have to take a look at this particular symbol called

Open Door, so anything related to a job is called Open Door. It is in box 7:

Before we look at Open Door, let’s look at what is the information that is provided. As we know, the answer is in the Hour Stem:

The symbol is Wu, so let’s refer to Wu which is in box 3.

In this case, we are looking at White Tiger, Obstruct, and Destroyer. There is also a circle which is an Emptiness, which means we will need to take reference or box 3 only 20% to 30%. So, in order to find the correct answer, we need to take reference to the opposite box which is box 7:

Box 7 is actually the answer which is about 60% to 70%. In box 7, we have Leader, Open, and Impulse. Box 7 is also the trigrams of Dui palace, which is something with a smiley face and something good. Technically, box 7 is the answer. And the Open Door is also in box 7. Open Door is the best door to be associated with. At the same time, Leader is also the best symbol to be associated with. Of course, there’s an Impulse Star, which is not so great but Open Door and Leader are 2 big pillars to be supportive in this aspect.

Next, we will need to look at where the person (Grace) is. She is in the Day Stem:

This symbol is Ren. So, we take reference to Ren. In this aspect, Ren is in box 6 and box 7.

We have Leader, Open, and Impulse in box 7. They tell us that she is very happy and open. She’s also a good leader, but of course sometimes she can be very impulsive. And together with the answer (box 7), it’s in harmony. At the same time, if you take a look at Open Door which signifies the job and opportunity. This Open Door is the reference point, which means we do not take into account the energy of the Open Door. Technically, we just take reference to Leader and Impulse.

So, there are three things. One is the person involved, which is box 7. One is the answer which is box 3 and box 7 (Box 7 is 60% to 70%, box 3 is 30%of the energy). Another thing is the Open Door with a symbol of Leader and Impulse. Overall, it is not too bad. End of the the day for this particular job is in this divination case ( Grace wanted to ask us whether it is a good time to find a job on August 2), I would dare to say that it is pretty okay. She can try to find a job now because it’s a very critical situation in 2021 under the COVID situation.

Moving forward, we have received the news that Grace has actually applied for a job and she has been successfully interviewed by another company. And she has moved on to another company in this case. So, we congratulate her on this aspect and hope that she will enjoy this particular new job and that everything will be okay.

For Qi Men Dun Jia, we are able to use divination or Qimen forecasting to see in terms of timing if he is able to find a new job. But of course, sometimes certain timing in the chart is not good, so we will advise the person to say that this is probably going to be a very bad timing, because at the end of the day, it’s not a very good thing to happen.

Anyhow, let’s look further. I mean, I will teach you something extra in this aspect. So, in these particular nine boxes, we also have a month. Which month is good for finding a job? January, February, and March are in box 3. May and June are in box 3. July is in box 9. August and September are in box 2. October is in box 7, etc.

So, the best time to find a job is somewhere around October. That means, in terms of timing, although this chart is telling us that it’s a good time to find a job, the best energy if she wants to find a job will be two months later, somewhere around October. So, of course, the result is that she is able to find a job. You know, and at the same time, the chart is able to tell us when is the best date in terms of the month to go into. Of course, we can go on the date, but there will be something very deep that we will cover in the other lessons.

More Case Studies

Below are more case studies if you would like to learn the process of reading a Qi Men Dun Jia Chart.

Step by Step Process

In this video, this is the step by step process of how to read a Qi Men Chart from Dougles Chan live lesson.


  • To be as specific as possible.
  • Focus the questions towards a positive sentence.
  • Focus on the key point.


Bad questions are very open-ended. At this point of time, you may not be able to answer because it is too general, so we try to be as specific as possible so that you’ll be able to answer the question at this junction. These are bad questions:

  • What is my general health X conditions?
  • I am out of luck, what can I be more lucky?
  • Will I be rich?


These are some of the good examples which are specific, very positive focus:

  • Can I invest in this project?
  • Will it be good direction X married to this person?
  • Should I go to a western X or Chinese TCM?
  • Will my loan be able to be approved by the bank?


  • Plot the chart based on current time, current space, when the question is asked, regardless of verbally, messenger, sms.
  • Ignore all time zones, based on X chart given at the time asked, the app will auto adjust itself. 
  • The kind of question that you ask can also be very random. When you ask the question, the Heaven – Earth – Human – Time – Space combine together to generate this kind of energy. For example, if you are about 8 o’clock, the chart is generated based on the question that you ask and the energy is generated now. That is the concept of Qi Men. At this point of time you ask the question, the answer will give to you now.
  • However, of course, you cannot ask a question every single hour. If you ask a question now and if you want to ask the same question again, ideally, give a gap of about two weeks also. This is  because even if you ask the question one hour later, it makes no difference. It is like you are trying to cheat the system. So, try to give a gap of about two weeks when possible.


Ensure that you have this particular setting because we are going to go through the same setting next time:


These are very important steps that you need to know. I have already tried to summarize as briefly as possible so that you get the key points.

  1. Identify the answer. Every chart will give you an answer. There will be a section which gives you an answer. It will identify at least 70% of the energy. When we are talking about energy, we are talking  about what is possible to happen. It is not always absolute 100%. So, when we identify the answer, we will try to find one box that is able to give us the answer.
  2. Identify the asker/ subject.
  3. Identify the useful symbols/ useful gods. Every type of question that you ask, there is also a supporting and useful symbol that you can see to take reference. You can see whether it is supporting you or not.
  4. Check the relationship between the elements. You also have to see the relationship between 1, 2, or 3 symbols when possible. That will be involved in the 5 elements.
  5. Special situations. Of course, in every Qimen chart, there is always a special situation. Sometimes, if you do not know the situation, you may get the information wrongly.
  6. Holistic view & implications. When you want to give an answer, you always have to see it from a more holistic representation. You cannot say that the answer said yes that means yes. There may not be such a thing. Sometimes, you have to see every single one of them to see the overall situation.


This is a Qimen chart. Look at your own chart, my one is just a representation only. I am just showing that this is a Qimen chart. But if you want to make it easier for you, or you want to synchronize that, you can always change your date like my chart.

This chart is on July 30, 1979, at 5:30:

Always remember that the answer is somewhere around in these eight different boxes. We ignore the one in the center. Unless there is a need, we only take reference from box number 1 to box number 9, ignoring box number 5.

How do we find the answer?

Always remember the answer is always in Hour stem. The symbol “Yi” will always change. Remember that there are 10 different stems, so this symbol may not be “Yi”. It can be Jia (甲), Yi (乙), Bing (丙), Ding (丁), Wu (戊), Ji (己), Geng (庚), Xin (辛), Ren (壬), or Gui (癸). So later on, we will have to take reference where this “Yi” is.

Next, we also have to find where the asker is. The asker that means the person who is involved. Generally, the person is always in Day stem. Of course, there are also special cases, we will talk about that later. You just know the basics, that means who the asker is and where the answer is.

When we take reference, what we need to do is we will take into here:


Assuming that this person is taking an examination or ready to take an examination he wants to know whether he will be able to pass the examination. 

The first step, what we need to do is find the answer. The answer is “Yi” (in Hour stem) which is in box number 2. Always remember to find it at the top one. In fact, the app is very good, it is already highlighted in the blue color for you.

Next, we need to find “Wu” (the asker) which is in Day stem. In this case, “Wu” is in box number 3. Just for information, the symbols of Day stem and Hour stem will not always be in box 2 or box 3. They can be in any of the boxes. They can even be in box 5 sometimes.

Do not take reference at the bottom one, always choose the one at the top. If you do not understand this step, you cannot move on,

Let’s move on to the next step. 

The answer is in box number 2. I will explain it in a very simplified manner. Box number 2

is telling us what the possible answer is.

  • White Tiger (Bai Hu): inauspicious, fierce, unfriendly. This is the worst situation.
  • Injury (Shang Men): hurt, physical, mentally, bad luck door. It is the second worst door.
  • Diplomat (Tian Ren): hardworking, trusted, slow, positive star.

Do you think the answer is going to be positive or negative?

=> Generally speaking, if you look at the representation of these symbols, it does not smell good. He will get hurt badly in the exam, there are very high chances that he will not be able to pass the exam, even though we know that he is very hardworking.

This is the general sense of what the symbol is telling us from surface level. However, we have not concluded anything yet because this is just the basic information.

Next, we need to know the current status of the asker, which means the person who is taking an exam or will already take the exam. What is his current status that means what is he feeling now, what is he representing now. It is not about the answer. It is about him. So, the subject is the person who is asking the question.

  • 9 Heaven (Jiu Tian): high expectations, perfectionist.
  • Open Door (Kai Men): positive energy, a new beginning, able to overcome problems.
  • Destroyer (Tian Zhu): unlucky star, likes to argue, dispute, scandals.

This is information about box number 3 (Palace 3 – Zhen). This is his current situation within the environment. It is very brief information but try to look out the respective information that is related to the question.

  • Palace 3 (Zhen) 震宫震宫- Lighting, the beginning, renewed or birth of an idea, event or person. Having an entire pleasant surprise or saying that things will improve, an upward trend. Extremely fast, thunder, happens without any notifying, unexpected, not able to be controlled, not many choices. Represents movement.

=> The asker:

  • In a situation where he is having a good relationship  with people. He expects very good results but he is accompanied by an unlucky star.
  • The Destroyer, in addition, he is located in box 3, where he cannot control the situations.

Hence, we roughly know the situation of the asker. However, focus on the question: Will Ibe able to pass the exam?

Passing the exam we need to see the useful symbol.

  • View (Jing Men) is a representation of an exam paper. It will also represent many other things, but in the case of passing the examination, that means it represents the exam paper. So, this is a useful symbol to take reference and this is a supporting symbol.
  • Beside this exam paper, we have “Darkness” and “Advisor”. So, this exam paper is accompanied by something which is dark, dim and gloomy. 
  • “Xin” also indicates mistakes in the paper.
  • Of course, there is “Advisor” over here. “Advisor” is very good. It is the examiner who tries to help him, but he makes a mistake.

=> So, based on box number 6, it tells us that there are some problems in the exam and the likelihood is that he (or she) also makes some mistakes in this exam paper. This is the representation of these useful symbols.

Next, remember there are 5 elements: Water, Fire, Wood, Earth, and Metal.

We need to see the relationship between the exam paper and the asker.

Box number 3 is the asker and it is located in the element of Wood. How do we know it is Wood? The word “Zhen ” below the number is green, which stands for Wood. Box number 6 is Metal. Remember, in the relationship, Metal chops Wood, which means this exam paper is clashing with the person. The exam can be proven to be too hard for him. He will drown. Now, we are able to see the relationship between the exam paper and him.

Now we see that the answer is not going to be so great. The person has high expectations. There is some darkness and mistakes made in the paper exam. And the paper clashes with him.


Answer: not promising

Asker: high expectations.

Exam paper: non supportive, dim, dark.

Box 6 (Metal) clashes with box 3 (Wood), destroying the asker.

=> Final verdict, we can safely say that at least 80% to 90% that this person will not pass the 

This is how we see the first level of Qi men Dun Jia divination. Thanks for reading.