Qi Men Dun Jia (QMDJ) is one of the best divination tools in Chinese culture. Nowadays, this method has become more popular and used in many aspects. In this article, I will tell you the top 10 QMDJ calculator that really practical and help you a lot in predicting the future.
1. Why QMDJ Is The Most Powerful Tool
The ancient system of Qi Men Dun Jia (QMDJ) is reserved only for the use of the Emperor and his court astrologers. Qi Men Dun Jia’s main use is in assessing the kinetics of the present moment. One may maximize the likelihood of success in achieving their objectives by positioning themselves in the most favorable location at the optimal moment and in the desired course of action. According to Chinese historical records, Qi Men Dun Jia was one of the Three Arts or Three Styles in Chinese Metaphysics, along with Da Liu Ren and Tai Yi Shen Shu. The following is a graphic displaying energy mapping based on a highly complicated computation of time and space:
- 9 Palaces 8 Trigram chart (九宫八卦图)
- Earth Plate (地盘 Di Pan)
- 10 Heavenly Stems (十天干)
- 8 God (八神 Ba Shen)
- Heaven Plate (天盘 Tian Pan )
- Human Plate (人盘 Ren Pan)
- Traveling Horse (驿马星 Yì Mǎ)
- 空 Kōng
Qi Men’s total number of Dun Jia charts is 1080, consisting of 540 Yang Structure charts and 540 Yin Structure charts.
The goal of Qi Men strategy is to study and harness the power of effective Qi Men fighting formations. If, for instance, you have court today, you would hope that the judge rules in your favor. Three nobles, eight doorways, eight deities, and nine stars may all be used to evaluate a Qi Men in depth. After adopting the correct configuration and focusing your mind’s eye on that energy source for 5-15 minutes, you may go on to the next step. Sometimes unexpected events provide the desired results. Using modern time and space, this is the strength of Qi Men Dun Jia. Moreover, QMDJ divination also gives you answers to tackle your problems.
In light of the foregoing, I’m convinced that QMDJ is fantastic and incredibly useful. QMDJ can provide answers and advice for major life questions and events like weddings, business deals, and other life milestones. However, to use QMDJ, we need a calculator system to get the map of time and space. In the following part, I will provide you with some reliable QMDJ calculators.
2. Top 10 QMDJ Calculator
We have compiled a list of the 10 best QMDJ calculators currently available. I also provide you with a brief summary of the benefits of using each QMDJ calculator. That way, you will know exactly what to expect from the QMDJ calculator site and be able to pick it up without any hassle.
2.1. Top 1 QMDJ Calculator – Chinese Metasoft
This is a website that provides the QMDJ calculator in many languages, such as English, Vietnamese, French, Portuguese, and so on. This will help a lot of you guys from many countries understand the QMDJ chart. Besides that, Chinese Metasoft also has a system for Bazi, Feng Shui, and more.
If you are interested, you can visit this site here.

<This is the interface of Chinese Metasoft when choosing Qi Men Dun Jia>
2.2. Joey Yap’s Qi Men Dun Jia Calculator
Joey Yap’s team developed a program that solves all the difficult math problems and frees up unlimited time and money for Qi Men Dun Jia’s students and professionals.
Based on the original Zhuge System, they have developed Joey Yap’s Qi Men Software employing state-of-the-art programming languages and intricate algorithms. The software included the Qi Men 64 Hexagrams and the San Yuan Qi Men Xuan Kong Da Gua to make this the most potent Qi Men System available.
Without understanding the intricate formulae, the Joey Yap patented Qi Men chart may now be created in a matter of seconds. The interactive tables and clickable links in each graphic provide instant access to a wealth of additional, contextual data.
You can know more about this tool via this

2.3. Chinese Metaphysics
This address give you some selection of QMDJ calculator, they divide QMDJ to Day, Month, Year,… It will be more specific and easy to get the information based on your demands. If you want to explore this website, click this link.

2.4. Plot QMDJ Chart
In my opinion, this site is really useful, friendly interface, detailed information good visualization. I suggest this tool a lot for everyone. You can visit My Meta Physics

2.5. Qi Men Dun Jia Plotter
Kevin Foong creates this website and it has been used by many people, including master Qimen. The interface is easy to use and really detailed

You can visit the website via this
2.6. QMDJ Ming Li Info
The 6th QMDJ calculator we want to recommend is Ming Li Info. It has full function of QMDJ and helpful for most of beginners. You can see it here.

2.7. Qi Pro
The 7th QMDJ calculator is Qi Pro by Sam, who has experience in Qimen and Feng Shui. The interface of this site is simple and quite basic, not fully informative. However, this is enough for checking the date and some palaces. You can see the full website here.

2.8. Qimen Destiny Calculator by Tanya Feng Shui
This is similar to the tool by Sam, but I still recommend it because this site has more than, Bazi and Feng Shui. Here is the link of this website
2.9. Qi Men Dun Jia 1080Ju
The focus of the app is Qi Men Dun Jia. Using the Chai Bu Fa technique and accounting for the local time and Longitude, this software aids in creating pinpoint charts of QMDJ Pan. QMDJ Feng Shui Chart Calc, QMDJ 1080Ju Charts, QMDJ Hour Chart Calc, QMDJ Day Chart Calc, QMDJ Month Chart Calc, QMDJ Year Chart Calc, and so on are only some of the functions available in this program.

2.10. Chinese Arts App – Qi Men Dun Jia
It is true that the Qimen is an essential tool for any traditional craft that requires the use of a calculator. The Qimen feature of ProSuite includes a variety of helpful grids, including temporal, destiny, and strategic grids, as well as the capability to print these grids in High Definition for the purpose of documenting your data.

All 10 tools above are really helpful for you in interpreting QMDJ. However, you should visit a QMDJ master in order to gain a thorough understanding of this technique. You can attend a course about QMDJ with reliable masters such as Mr. Dougles Chan in Singapore. He has been in this field for over a decade.
3. Certain Advantages Of Using QMDJ
Due of a lack of familiarity with its many potential uses, many individuals are wary of Qi Men Dun Jia. We may simplify matters by saying that Qi Men Dun Jia can be used to “everything” since its principles and regulations are built on, the idea that everything is related. Even while it’s conceivable, you don’t use it to decide something as mundane as what to have for dinner.
The larger and more noticeable an event’s manifestation on Earth is, the more significant and vital it is. Casting a divination was not something to be taken lightly since the chart would speak to the individual more clearly if the matter was of great significance to them.
Qi Men Dun Jia has several potential applications, including but not limited to the following:
- Making weather forecasts
- Relationships and marriage
- Safety, Pregnancy
- Exam Results
- Substitute Jobs
- recovering a misplaced item
- Seeking a perpetrator
- Choices in business and investments
- Evaluation of Feng Shui
- Safer journeys
Each event has its own unique ‘Yong Shen’, or what you should be on the lookout for. To decipher the full significance of the Gods, Gates, Sectors, and Stars on the chart, you must first know where to look.
Qi Men Dun Jia’s potential advantages range widely based on context and use. Some of Qi Men Dun Jia’s most notable advantages are as follows:
- Insights into the probable consequences of certain acts or occurrences may be gained via the use of Qi Men Dun Jia, allowing for better decision-making. It may shed light on the hidden dynamics of a situation, allowing you to make better strategic and tactical decisions.
- By using Qi Men Dun Jia, you may find out when it is best to do things or have events take place. Knowing the energy of various eras allows one to maximize opportunities and minimize setbacks.
- Increased output: Qi Men Dun Jia may help you arrange your day or week so that you take advantage of the best times to get things done.
- Qi Men Dun Jia’s insights into the nature of relationships will help you learn how to enhance communication and forge deeper bonds with those around you, leading to better relationships overall.
- Qi Men Dun Jia can help you achieve optimal health and happiness by pointing out areas of vulnerability and recommending modifications in diet and routine that will bring about more internal harmony.
- With the support of Qi Men Dun Jia, firms may improve their marketing, investment, and other operational strategies, increasing their chances of success. It also helps in the detection of threats and openings in the industry.
For those interested in developing their spirituality and learning more about themselves, Qi Men Dun Jia might be a useful tool. It may also show you the way to a more balanced and satisfying existence.
4. How Can We Read The QMDJ Chart
As I said before, QMDJ is a complex system of many stars and palaces, so it requires a lot of knowledge and the ability to connect the map. Reading a Qimen chart or understanding it is not easy for most people. You need to spend a lot of time, and you must emerge in this field. In this post, I will tell you some basic and easiest ways for you to read the QMDJ chart on your own. But to learn fully about the Qimen chart, you should meet the Qi Men Dun Jia master to avoid mistakes that may lead to wrong decisions.
4.1. Basic To Read The QMDJ
Without getting into the details, here are the steps you need to take to read a Qi Men Dun Jia chart:
- Have a question in mind and act like you’re going to a temple to ask a question of the gods.
- Make a picture of Qi Men Dun Jia. It can be used with a mobile app. It’s fine, and it won’t change how true the chart is. You don’t have to remember the method for drawing the chart, which is a nice perk.
- Find out who asked the question and who was asked. The person who asks the question is called the querent, while the person or thing being asked about is called the quesited.
- Find out what the chart’s symbols mean. The significators stand for the images that show what you want to know.
- After these steps, Qi Men Dun Jia gets harder because you now have to look at the whole picture and figure out how it is doing.
- First, look at the Stars.
- Check out the different Qi Men Dun Jia buildings.
- Check how these Stars and Structures fit in with the 8 Trigrams.
- Evaluate the effects of special meanings like “Void Emptiness”, “Sky Horse” or what I call “derived charts” in Qi Men Dun Jia, which can be used to extend the question further if needed.
4.2. How To Interpreting The QMDJ Chart
The following components make up a Qi Men Dun Chart:
- The chart of the Gods The 8 ‘gods’ of Qi Men Dun Jia may be found in this section of the chart. In Qi Men Dun Jia, there is a proverb referring to the 8 ‘gods’ that have an impact on the horoscope.
- The nine stars () are located on the ‘Heavens’ chart, which is also used in feng shui and Zi Wei Dou Shu. The stars in the Big Dipper look like this.
- Some professionals use the term “Doors” to refer to this graphic, but I find “Gates” to be more accurate. The eight Gates stand for different aspects of human nature and behavior.
- Map of the Earth: Your 8 Trigrams symbolize this. You may utilize the 12 Earthly Branches included within the 8 Trigrams to further your understanding of the Qi Men Dun Jia.
- When the Heavens chart and the Earth chart combine, they establish the framework of each sector in the Qi Men Dun Jia chart. In every quadrant, you’ll find a pair of Heavenly Stems, one of which is perched above the other. Except for Yang Wood, all other Heavenly Stems may be utilized in any combination; nevertheless, it is important to remember that if the Stems in the Heavens Chart and the Earth Chart are switched, it is regarded as a distinct construction. One example is the difference in meaning between the two forms of “sitting on.”
- “External Structure” here simply refers to the BaZi or Four Pillars chart that was utilized to create the Qi Men Dun Jia. Even though BaZi, also known as the Four Pillars, may be used on its own for predicting, it is still, at its heart, a time-keeping system, which is why it is so ubiquitous in other forms of Chinese astrology. The time on the Qi Men chart may be reflected in the BaZi chart, from which we might glean important information.
The phrase ‘Yong Shen’ is ubiquitous in Chinese philosophy. various schools of Chinese astrology will assign various meanings to it. In BaZi, it’s used to describe the most important factor in achieving chart harmony. The Zi Wei Dou Shu’s Four Transformer Stars () are often regarded as the “,” which foretells future occurrences.
There may be more than one ‘Yong Shen’ in a given Qi Men Dun Jia reading, since the term ‘Yong Shen’ is used to indicate the location on the chart where the desired answer may be found. The location of the solution depends on the nature of the question being asked. For instance:
- To use a Qi Men Dun Jia metaphor, if someone were to come to me seeking relationship advice, the male ‘Yong Shen’ would be Yang Metal (), while the female ‘Yin Shen’ would be Yin Wood. You may also utilize their Year Stems.
- The symbols for wealth and prosperity are Yang Earth and the Gate of Life .
Everything in the material world has a symbolic equivalent in the Qi Men Dun Jia. Some may wonder why the universe is summed up in only five elements, ten heavenly stems, and twelve earthly branches. Here is where familiarity with ancient Chinese philosophy, such as Yin Yang and the concept of. Typically, this information may be found in the chart’s Hour Stem, however, this is not always the case. Knowing where the symbols representing your response are in the Qi Men Dun Jia chart is not enough; once we know where to look, we may begin investigating further to learn more about what will occur.
4.3. The Way To Use QMDJ Chart
Since the practice of Qi Men Dun Jia differs so much from that of BaZi and Zi Wei Dou Shu, newcomers to the art sometimes have trouble understanding what they are supposed to be doing.
Qi Men Dun Jia, as the name suggests, is equivalent to casting a divination lot at a temple or consulting a deck of tarot cards. Ask the universe whatever it is you’re wondering about, and you’ll get an answer. Like tarot cards and horary astrology in Western astrology, Qi Men Dun Jia is a kind of divination used in China. In addition to Qi Men Dun Jia, other forms of Chinese divination include.
In Qi Men Dun Jia, the idea of everything being interconnected is central. We now refer to this concept as the Theory of Everything or the Superstring Theory. The ancient Chinese pondered the same idea but expressed it in terms of their time. It has always puzzled me that skeptics are so quick to write out Chinese metaphysics while giving contemporary science a much more skeptical reception.
Whenever you generate a Qi Men Dun Jia chart with a sincere question in mind, it tends to really speak to you, provided you know how to interpret the charts. This is because the Qi Men Dun Jia chart is a snapshot in time, and what most people forget is that we and our lives are also part of this snapshot in time while sharing an interconnection with everything else.
Concentration and the appropriate frame of mind are essential for successful divination; if you ask a question or cast divination and then don’t intend to follow through on the answer, then the chart won’t speak to you.
Using Qi Men Dun Jia is, in brief, just about:
- Posing a query
- Making sense of the graph
- Qi Men Dun Jia, which is portable and can be done anywhere.
5. Learning QMDJ Will Change Your Life Forever
With all this information in this post, you can see and understand how QMDJ is so powerful and effective in life. If you are interested in this field, QMDJ will change your mindset and the way you see the universe. However, I’d like to add that not everyone has an innate interest in this QMDJ and that most people have trouble telling the difference between a casual fascination and a genuine passion for a subject. So, it’s up to you, but if you decide to join a Qimen Dunjia course, here is some notice.
Based on my experience and many testimonials from many people all over the world. Qimen Dunjia Course by Mr. Dougles Chan is reliable and give you a lot of benefits.
Please use caution while choosing a psychic to consult and, more significantly, a teacher. If you accept the validity of Chinese metaphysics and the ability of Qi Men Dun Jia to predict outcomes and describe the manifestation of phenomena, then it stands to reason that many people visit the wrong kind of “practitioner” because of what the stars say they should do.