Overview of Qi Men Dun Jia Combos in 8 Doors, 8 Gods and 9 Stars

In Qi Men Dun Jia, the system is composed of Doors (门), Stars (星), and Gods (神). Each represents different aspects of life and situations. Here is a detailed breakdown of these components: Doors (八门) Each of the 8 Doors represents various types of energies and situations in the Qi Men Dun Jia framework: Stars (九星) Each star represents…

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Door with Stars and God in Qi Men Dun Jia

To address your request comprehensively, I’ll dive deeper into every combination between the Doors, Stars, and Gods in Qi Men Dun Jia. This includes combinations of every Door with every Star, each Door with every God, and the interactions between Stars and Gods. Below is the thorough and detailed breakdown. I. Doors Combined with Stars Each Door brings a…

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