Discover your REAL Potential in Life using Qi Men Dun Jia – Dougles Chan

Discover your REAL Potential in Life. Are You Suitable to Work for People? Using Qi Men Destiny Chart to Discover |#qmdj #qimen

There are a group of this kind of people that is not suitable to work for somebody, which means that they potentially they can become an investor, they can become a own businessman, and in their own chart under this Destiny chart, under Qimen Dunjia, we will be able to see and perhaps we are able to craft up a nice road for them if they are suitable or not suitable to work for somebody.

For example myself I’m not suitable to work for somebody because every time I work for somebody within three months, I either I ask my boss to leave or the boss asked me to leave. So there’s it’s a big joke after a while, I go back to business again, my business flop again and then from there I go to work again, you know this whole cycle goes on and on.

And after one day, I discovered that myself what am I really good in doing and I did not just discover as per say, I use my chart – Qimen Dunjia chart to see what is my potential, what is the thing that I’m best in supposed to be doing and then from there I slowly crop out the angle which is the best for me. I test it out and see which is the best that’s going to you the best return.

Finally, I found something that is I’m able to do well and people believe what I do and then the support what I do.

And then now, I am over 15 different countries all over the world, I’m also teaching Qimen Dunjia to showcase to them how they are able to use this tool and educate themselves to make a difference in their life. Now perhaps, one day you could be the person that is learning this Qimen Dunjia.

But anyhow, I want to share with you is this to work for somebody is not really everyone’s cup of tea. Some people are born to be under their own employment, their own business, they can become a very good businessman. How much they can make is really up to them. It’s up to the environment, the product that they sell, the company that they deal with, etc.

And how aggressive they are, of course their character makes a lot of difference too. So people who have much better character, they will definitely you a better return, better customer, etc. In this area but people who are acquired and introvert will actually mix you know will have some challenges here and there.

So anyhow just be aware that, not everybody is suitable to work for people.

If you are always having challenges in working for people, perhaps you are one of those people that is not suitable to work for somebody.

Maybe you are a born businessman, it’s just that environment does not allow you to shine in that area.

Perhaps one day, if you have that’s definitely an affinity, you know maybe we can have coffee and then perhaps, I can check your chart and then I can share with you what are your best potential in this area. So my name is Dougles Chan, I am the Qimen Teacher over here. Thank you for watching the video!