Destiny Reading – Finding Marriage, Academic & Career Symbols in Qi Men Dun Jia

Today, we are only going to touch on three different categories: marriage/relationship, career/job, and academic/school. There are actually many other categories, but today, we will just talk about three aspects.


Remember, “Partner” represents your marriage or relationship. “Open” represents your career. “Advisor” represents your academic or school.

For example, this is one of the charts that I plotted:

If you can see in this particular diagram, the red symbols I already circled may not be the same as yours. Your diagram could be different.

There are 9 numbers in the box. You definitely will have different slots in different numbers, the symbols will locate in different numbers,

Next, I will need you to take reference basically on your own chat. Based on my example, you need to find the number of a box that includes the “Advisor” symbol, which is red (Box number 3). Then you will see an English word below the number (Zhen). There are different colors of this English word. In this case, it represents green. It could be green, red, or brown, metal color, or purple (Water color). 

Find the box itself => find the color of the English word below the number => write down your academic (“Advisor”) color.

And then, it is the same for your marriage (“Partner”), and career (“Open”).

We don’t have to worry about the words, we just find the color. That is the easiest way to 



In my example diagram, the English word for Academic is green, which represents Wood. The English word for Marriage is purple, which represents Water. The English word for Career is gray, which represents Metal.

But of course in your chart, it will be different. Let’s say, if your English word is read, it represents Fire. If your English word is brown, it represents Earth. 


Based on my example, these are my symbols’ colors.

I actually categorize all colors to make it easy for you. Let’s check the table below:


We will need to find what our color is to enhance us.

For example, My luck is not good: in my academy, I keep failing my exam; my relationship is no good; I am not able to find a job. So, I am trying to find a color, an element that is able to help me. That is the objective in this session.

For example, if you are Wood (Academic), you will need Water. I mean you need to find the front of a circle of your color in the “Elements relationships” that I gave you.  Or if you are Metal, you will need Earth.

Identify what is your academic/marrigare/career color first => find the respective element which equals the color => see what color can enhance your luck.

It is simple. I will give you a bigger picture:

These are the information of colors:

If you need Water, go for black or dark blue. If you need Metal to help you, choose white or gray. If you need Earth, choose brown or yellow. If you need Fire, go for red, orange, purple, or pink. Lastly, if you need Wood, please choose green or light green to enhance your luck.

Based on the category of the things that you want to focus on => Find the color that represents you => Understand which color (element) is going to help you => Choose the colors.

So, what happens if my academy and my marriage are of different colors? Should I wear something like black and red at the same time to help me?

I would not advise you to do it. You will need to focus on one thing at a time. Just choose one color!

If you want to enhance your academy, career, and marriage at the same time, it is not going to work that way because all the colors will come in. If you mix everything together, it will become useless. These colors will not have any effect on your life at all. So, focus on one thing at a time until you achieve your objective. 

In addition, do not just believe one color can help you in all aspects. In a lot of cases, when they just use one element or one color to help themselves, in one sector they will be very prosperous, they will make money, they will have a lot of luck, but on the other hand, maybe their health or their marriage will have problems.  

The next question: what if my “Open” and “Advisor” elements are in the same box?

=> It is okay. Just take reference with the same box. covered most of the

Another question: If my career is in Water, I should use Metal to support my career. But is it possible if I wear the exact color in Water like blue or black?

=> There is a possibility that your energy of Water is full. If your Water energy is 50%, then i will advise you to add the Water. But if you are already 100% of Water energy, which means you overwhelm yourself you become too much. When you are too much, then you have a problem.

I hope you can find the colors that can help you. Thanks for reading.