Why Your Marriage/Relationship are Always Having Problems?
Why your marriage or relationship always got problem? Hello, my name is Dougles Chan. Today, I’m going to share with you some insights of what could be the issue related to your marriage or relationship. That’s always having some challenges, whether you are male or female it doesn’t really matter, but ultimately we can always see a certain pattern inside a person’s life.
So which means that every time when you go for a relationship, when you go for a marriage, that always got problem one whether is it there’s a third party or perhaps the other parties are having a lot of challenges, giving it a lot of challenges in your life, and giving you a lot of relationship issues.
And this can be identified which means that within your chat that means in a person if you were to base on the Qimen Destiny chart, you’re able to see a certain pattern that means we did ourselves, there’s something called the Partner, Partner box that means this Partner box tell us the relationship between yourself and the relationship in the aspect.
Question is is it a good formation, or is it a bad formation, and what happens if you have a bad formation. That means in your life regardless of who the person is that means the other party, the the male, or female, whichever that you are going to be with party A, party B, party C, most of the time it will be the same situation.
That means if the whole formation is not very good, then every single one of them sure got problem, and because of that everyone that you encounter will also have a challenge in any way. Ultimately is this can this be solved, yes it can be solved. Question is do you know how to solve it? Before we even know how to solve it, we must understand what is the formation inside this particular relationship box. If you are known if you know what is the problem, then from there you try to initiate the situation, that means identify the problem within the partner itself, and then from there you’re able to solve the problem.
Sometimes it may not be the problem of the particular relationship, it could be the only cell problem that means your character may have a certain situation, whereby you do not understand and you always feel that this is a normal thing for you, but on the other party’s eyes, then it may be an issue.
So sometimes relationship is not just a one-sided effect, it’s a it could be: you believe that the other party is at fault, but on the other hand the real reason it could be your – your situation that’s creating the problem. So a lot of times when we I help my students, or if my customers to identify, we have to be in a very neutral situation whereby, we understand okay what is the problem of that person, who is the power of the other person and then from there I did identify where is the real problem?
Because once we understand the real problem, then we’re able to fix the issue and listen from another angle is if you’re able to see the problem of the relationship or the marriages: are we able to solve it? Yes, we can solve the situation, it’s possible, but it takes a few things. That means it takes both parties to acknowledge that there’s a problem and both parties are willing to come together and solve the problem.
And at the same time, there will be a lot of effort, a lot of energy, to make things work don’t expect one person to do the job, it takes two parties to do the job, because if relationship is always about two parties, it’s not just one party effect, and don’t expect that the person have to do something for you, so that it makes things work.
You have to do the thing so that can make things work and both parties have to make things work. So relationship is always about coming together, it’s not always a one-sided effect. So we don’t talk about the third parties whereby there will be ladies or other men’s involved, but ultimately we put them aside first that means both party the men and women are they willing to come down, sit down and really solve the problem amicably. That’s a whole challenge behind it.
A lot of relationship is always talking about how can you do this to help me? How can you do this to improve the situation?
Then this is always about the other party that’s trying to make effort, then let me challenge you is how do you make an effort to make things work? You have to make the effort to make things rather than the other party have to make things work, if both parties are willing to make things work, then there is still a chance.